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SYF 2007this whole event is finally over. SYF 2007. over within spilt seconds(minutes). shorter than the amount of time we spent in SCH rehearsing and playing through over and over again, sometimes even without Mr Glosz. with all the nonsense and stuffs like TSMFs to encourage us and boost our morale, which i think did help to a small extent. i think it was quite fun though during that period of time. haha. i still remember the night before SYF. we were told to slp early. i reach home. switch on the com, and the explorer just keep hanging on me. maybe its a sign for me. haha.. throughout the performance, i think i just kept lifting my heads high, searching for the people that specially came down to support the band, and smiling at anyone that actually looked towards our direction. we ooze of confidence. we stank of success. we just F-IT whatever that comes our way. and we did it. although i didnt get to hear the words " Band No. 12, St Andrew's Junior College Concert Band - Gold. With Honours. " , i can sense it when everyone just started cheering, screaming and jumping for joy. the feeling is there and i believe everyone felt it then. i think this is 1 of the few times which i actually shed tears - tears of joy. tears of success. tears of the amount of hard work we put in and the results we reaped. though there were cock ups in our performance, i still believe we did our best and give it our best shot, staring and focusing on our beloved, because it is through him that our music can be brought out with great dynamics to the 7 judges(idiots). its perfectly normal, because if there were no mistakes, we will not be called the SAJCCB. we will be a tape recorder. it is with all these minor errors and the cover up of even greater music making that allows our band to shine through to everyone sitting in the audience seats. many thanks to everyone that were by our side, never failing to give us supports and help when we need it. this is esp so to Mr Glosz, Mr Benjamin Yeo, Mr Meroy Heng, our beloved teacher in charge Ms Ho, alumnis, members of the secondary schools and other JCs and many more. last but not least to our own band members who gave ur best and put up a good show. i want to thank the J2s. emmeline, poon shi, shuk man, rachel, joel, pamela, zakiah, brandon, nicholas. esther, dorothy, hafiz, ansley, yi siong, jiahao, elissa, alison, deborah, jocelyn, mok. michelle, lynette, fung yin, kevin, nicole, eunice, yi mei, colin, junjie, xiao wei, john, mindy, kenneth, vincent, wei qin. jasmine, zhi qi, sylvia, bernadette, ying jia, rebecca, wan ling. for all we know, this might be our last journey, but i feel that it somehow will end in July. haha. thanks for putting up with all the problems we created and carrying it all the way till the last sec before SYF. endless discussions, meetings, dinners. i think though sick of it, we never fail to give positive feedbacks and comments wrt to any topic we discussed. i think for that, we really deserved a round of applause for all that we've being through. To the J1s, joanna, jasmine, ben yeo, benny, xing tong, wei theng, rui xian. gabriel, rui qi, tau, kekang, shi lin, ben chua, vanessa, si jia, daryl, michelle. daniel, hui hong, jeremy, margaret, min er, aaron, farah, james, joshua, brandon, jian hui, kenneth, benedict, bean, hayden, syarah, caryl, melisa, shafiq. augustine, jerrald, xin mei, ernica. it has been a great time working with you guys. sorry if i spell any names wrongly or left out any. the time has come for us to depart. i hope your batch will lead yourselves together with the future of the band down the road as 1 and bring it to a greater height. this has indeed being a tough journey that everyone took together. but i believe through this journey, we understand and cared about each other more than what we used to do so. we definitely dismissed away any bad beliefs or comments that we received after 11th May 2007, because this is when where we showed ppl that we, the SAJCCB members, have done it again. so once again presenting to you. SYF 2007. MAY 11th. BAND NO. 12. THE ST ANDREW'S JUNIOR COLLEGE CONCERT BAND. WE HAVE CREATED OUR OWN LEGACY.
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