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kok hoe is still ardhey guys. firstly wanna congrats all of e j1s for e perf put up on sat. as an old bird, im proud to say tt your batch sounded(sat) e best amongst e past batches i've played and listened. at this stage, u guys are better den any of e previous batches. but pls, e band sound u all produced can be better and of cox consistency is the key. however sound is not enough. yesterday i din feel e connection with u guys thru e music.(tt's how i felt) r u guys jus playing e notes? playin e notes without e energy is not creating music. did u guys capture e attention of e audience? how loud did e audience cheer? did u guys make a deep impression on e audience thru your music? we are all performers and performers need to showcase our talents and entertain e crowd. if e response from e crowd isnt fantastic, u shld know where e problem lies. anyway, jus keep on working hard and rmb playin music isnt playing jus e notes ya? know tt u guys are facing problems within e band. i felt at this time our frens Patience, Understanding and Responsibility can pull u guys thru for now. Patience/Understanding everyone is still relatively new to each other and of cox everyone comes from diff band system. now dat we're all in sajcband, give others some time to adjust and learn. and for those who need these adjustments, pls learn fast cox e band cannot proceed to another level unless u work doubly hard. yes set expectations and goals, we need them so we can look forward and work towards them. but be mindful of those weaker players(mentally and skills wise). they may not catch up and could pose more problems. so guys, set reachable targets which allows everyone to achieve with ease. as time passes, up e standard. make sure no one is left behind pls. ultimately u all must set and reach a standard which is higher den when u step into e bandrm. Responsibility for those who belong to the not so proficient players, have e responsibility to work hard so to gain e respect from e other band members. rmb no one owes u anything so u gonna pick up yourself. have e initiative to ask for help. if not if u r not up to standard, u may find yourself feeling out, psychologically and physically. why waste your time in this band if u dun wan to help yourself to be part of it? e rest of ppl, u all have e responsibility to ensure no one is left behind. this is your band. do something to make it a better place to make music in. there are of cox many other factors so as to make your life in tt bandrm better. but i felt these issues need to address first for e start. i see alot of potential in this batch and so pls do not disappoint your snrs ok? i've got great expectations from u guys. all e best. wahaha. i can write a book alr. kokhoe. at 5:32 PM 0 comments ![]()