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whyokay. maybe i shouldnt be blogging this post at all. but i jus need to to voice myself somehow. oh this has got nothing to do with band lar.. nor with you fellow bandies. its just that i dont have a personal blog. so last night i had this real fucked up feeling. i feel super lonely.. it wasnt the usual "no tv shows to watch and its fucked late at night" kind of lonely.. i suddenly felt that i didnt really have true friends... as in real close BROs...i feel utterly pathetic.i've always thought that the TRIPOD (nic teoh, gerald and i) are the Brothers fucked through thick and thin.."we're a fucking tripod - when you kick out one leg, all of us falls!" then problems start to arise bout nic teoh "buay brother" from gerald.. like what the fuck.. i then realised that true enough. we the TRIPOD have not really been through much?! we are close.. but i think is just close buds..friends that i can relate to. and thats all to the tripod.. what the fuck shit right.. ive been living in a world of my own thinkin how many pals i have.. brothers that are willing to fuck around.. but NO.. the fact is tripod has only gone out together 3times since the past 3 years??!!?! we dont really try to get close with each other.. we have totally different interest.. so its like fuck! JULIUS HAS NO FRIENDS!! yes i do.. my friendster shows it.. but none can make me feel BROTHER!! WHY!! im so darn envious of van kang.. cos she has her group of friends from margie land that she can rely on when the need arises... have fun together too... it strucked me when i was studying with her and liang and nic in school... like y? why can i have that too? only when it comes to fun and games that the tripod is so darn happening! isit because shes from an all girls school.. and girls clique faster and better than guys? but im from SAS man.. all guys what.. whats the diff??!! hopefully the supper tml at jalan kayu with e Bruddas from a different Mother will make me feel better... these guys can make me feel close but to the extent of brotherhood? im NOT SURE... maybe im just making a mountain out of a mole hill... but well thats me!! FUCK LIFE.... at 10:30 PM 0 comments ![]()