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what happened?wat happened to the blog? y isn't anybody updating? the brisbane ppl muz be enjoying themselves now. we sent them off on tues and i have to say, i kinda regretted pulling out from the trip. but then again, its also a good thing that i pulled out cos if i didn't, my block test results would confirmed be like shit. anyway, the non-brisbane ppl went down to sajc on wed and fri to have self-pracs on persis. oh, btw, the big big tv in the band room has disappeared. really disappeared. i'm not kidding. and the moment anybody stepped in to the band room lim jie, or rather, jim lie, will be like," its all ur fault! no tv at home then take band room's 1 rite?" haha guess there won't be any viewing of csi in the band room anymore. ok, enough about the tv. self-prac was supposed to be from 9-12. but by 10 plus all of us were so bored of self-prac on persis that we had "full band" on it. without any clarinetists and oboeists and saxophonists and conductor. haha after that, we juz played some songs on the computer and yf started dancing ballet. and acted out the mtv to f4's meteor rain. and deon had a rock performance. ya, they were THAT bored. after that, we went to hbf (where else?) for lunch and the place was full of teenage girls. apparently, energy is gonna have a performance at 7pm. ppl were aready queueing up at 8am la. crazy. some girls were even sitting under the hot sun cos the indoor queue was full. anyway, we went to eat lunch at the food court. jie went to help andre buy food back and guess wat? he left it on the table in the food court. luckily i saw andre's food sitting on the table and went after jie with it. tsk. so blur. muz be cos of the collision with the lamp post. haha ok, shall end here. ppl pls blog ok? the blog has become so boring la. enru at 3:00 PM 0 comments ![]()