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holidays have startedso.................. the hols are here. and we are stuck at home studying. its such a waste! like, sit at home while the weather is juz perfect for a trip to sentosa? so can we have a trip to sentosa? cos wat's a june holiday without at least a sentosa trip? then after that can get down to serious mugging. tsk. wat a spoiler. ooh, jie knocked into a lamp post while looking at guys playing basketball at sav ytd and got a huge swell on his forehead! he looks like a luohan fish now. haha enru at 10:56 AM 0 comments ![]()
Happie Birthday to Liangshi!!!!!!today is liangshi's birthday. smiles. hope u enjoyed urself okie? all the best for tests and exams. muacks! ::ying*wen:: at 8:56 PM 0 comments ![]()
GFCOk so two matches passed. We won GFC 4-1 Liangshis church The field was closed due to good weather, and I do mean GOOD weather. GFC 4-0 Volleyball team The rain was unforgiving. GFC we are underperforming. But thats due to bad pitches and weather. Anyway lets look forward to the next two matches. Cristiano Toh ha. at 6:37 PM 0 comments ![]()
![]() wowee, look at us :) at 9:13 PM 0 comments ![]()
![]() After some comments...yup TEAM SAJC! By Min at 8:42 PM 0 comments ![]()
![]() oh something kums requested. will this card do? cheers to team sajc! By Min at 8:24 PM 0 comments ![]()
SAJCband's contribution to TEAM SAJCDear bandies, Alright,as we all know...this has been an extremely awful year for team sajc except for maybe hockey and rugby who still have a chance.Although we might not have recieved the team sajc t-shirts and not been reognised by the school as a part of team sajc..i honestly feel that,we are apart of TEAM sajc..and we,together with dance have done them proud.Apart from that...Since we are one of the Very few who did well this year..i think we should show appreciation to the other sports cca's who didn't have the chance to excell as much as we did for various reasons.i suggest we get them each a card..signed by all band members and give to them...i'm sure they will surely appreciate...part of team sajc is burning for vengence..and some are even going to resume training asap..FOR NEXT year. Kumz at 8:35 AM 0 comments ![]()
team SAJChey people. deonny here. i have a request. we are band members right? SAJC band members right!? Ok la actually , Mr Roland Lee asked me during todays video session to ask the band members to bring down percussion instruments oR ANYTHING NOISY TO MAKE SOME NOISE! Like if the brassies can play "WHEN THE SAINTS COMING MARCHING IN" IT WOULD BE PERFECT. Basically its not agaisnt the rules coz no one said it is plus Mr Lee said can also. SO MY FELLOW BROTHERS AND SISTAS! Please suuport or team. Volleyball Basketball Netball Table Tennis Rugby will end soon and so will hockey. These teams have either already ended their season or will soon. They did not score as well as last year or face almost 100% chances of not making it... There is only one team left which can do the school proud with their record so far. SOCCER. People, please please come down and show your support tml. I dont want to feel the pain of losin at all. TEAM SAJC IS NOT DOWN YET. We can still win. Do you still remember the pain of losing to VJC in the finals last year. The players need your support. How do marcus and I know? Coz we are part of the team. We know. WE nid you peeps. This is the last season and tml is the last match on the pitch in our beloved campus. Lets have it with a bang and win this thing, play our instruments and all. JUST DO IT FOR THE SSCHOOL! Please. Team SAJC. at 9:05 PM 0 comments ![]()
Appeal!!Hey ppl... an appeal to all.. Tomolo will be the very LAST match of any sports of A div that will be played in the school campus. And it may well be our last TEAM to be able to get any championship. Its also a match of two arch-enemies in the soccer scene. ALL our sports teams that performed last year are OUT already and soccer is left..after that theres nothing left... Bball is out Cricket is out Volleyball is out Netball is out So heres our last chance. Lend them your support and we SAINTS can show wad the true saint spirit is and scare the hell out of the NJC players. SAINTS WILL MARCH ON Marc at 8:40 PM 0 comments ![]()
![]() KONDUCK Ver 0.3 By Min at 8:19 PM 0 comments ![]()
sajc bandGFC Well done for SYF SAJCBAND. Now... its time for SOCCER! like after sat games day we have a short training session. The teams back on form Strikers: Kumz diddy and Kokz (b ng, ok la addi if u want u can la.) Midfielders: Alvin Yeo, Yf, Toh, Addi, Duan, Alex, Deepan (maybe mouth or tommy) Defenders: Liangshi, Jason Uncle, Marcus, Terence, Mouth, Louis, Shuan, Andre, Tommy, Nicholas, Stuart, Melvyn (wah why so many defenders, some will be like midfield la) Goalkeepers: Andrew, Uncle creme Jie. Anyway ppl its like at Jalan Ubi at 5-7. Please come down to support. Playing agaisnt a team which we won 5-4 last year. woohoo. good old memories. Try not to miss this peeps. It will be a hell of a game. Thats all for today, remember to stay updated. Cristiano Toh haha. ok la TOHTOH signing out. hahah. :P suckers. at 9:49 PM 0 comments ![]()
![]() the four kings! hah ![]() at 11:21 PM 0 comments ![]()
![]() sala was having a bad hair day.. at 2:30 PM 0 comments ![]()
sajc bandsajc band i know this is kinda late to write since syf was on thursday and it's now saturday. but i actually went to school unlike a LOT of people so was quite tired when i came home. slept from like 3pm on friday till 8am on saturday. finally managed to catch up on all that sleep! so gold with honours plus being one of the top 2 bands in singapore. i still can't quite make myself believe it, it just seems so surreal. after all the arguments, disagreements and pep talks we actually made it. like WOW. happy is not even a word that's enough to describe what we were all feeling when we heard our name being called out for presentation night. i'm really really proud of us =) on friday when i was in school i kept smiling to myself whenever i thought about "st andrew's junior college: gold with honours". must have looked a little retarded to the people who saw me but who cares! we did it we did it! we LAUGH-ed all the way to the esplanade and didn't disappoint mr glosz, ourselves or the previous batches of sajc band members. i still remember stuart telling us that mr glosz said "nothing can save your band" or something to that effect. but we managed to save it and for that we should be proud. this entire experience was a gratifying one and i just wanted to say it was really great playing with all of you. i feel extremely honoured to be part of this band because we went through a lot before we reached our goal. many of you have shown me the meaning of determination and that musical excellence really has no limit. thanks a lot for everything, especially for being so patient with me (particularly my section, namely dorcas and redhuwan) when i wasn't musically or technically 'there' yet -dina- at 9:30 AM 0 comments ![]()
GOLD WITH MUCH HONOURS!Despite all e itch i have before/during/after the perf, I DID FEEL THE PASSION AND THE MUSICALITY in our playing. i so damn freaking proud of u guys man. yes! this is SAJCBAND! Im sure many of us teared. me too. but i teared not only becox we achieve a GOLD WITH HONOURS, but we had overcome our greatest enemy, ourselves. all the disagreements, arguments, near fights and others, really did not come to a waste. omg~ this is really THE SYF man~ our hard work and togetherness really brought us thru this ordeal. i love everyone in the band. THANKS BROTHERS AND SISTERS, U MADE MY LIFE IN BAND REALLY FULFILLING AND SATISFYING. IT'S AN HONOUR TO PLAY ALONGSIDE WITH U. TO SAJCCB 04/05, CHEERS!!! at 12:50 PM 0 comments ![]()
wow. i think i'm still having a hangover of happiness and to celebrate that, i've decided to skip school.(like again!) anyway, i'm sure, yesterday will be a day everyone will remember for our whole entire lives. the immense joy of knowing we got GOld with Honours and that we made it to presentation night! 050505 it can never be replaced. thinking back, we have really come a long way before we can actually achieve what we did yesterday. remember all the long discussions, the conflicts, the sacrifices, the worry, the hard work, the tiredness, the nagging negativity, the band camp etc. i remember worrying when i see the numbers going down on the countdown counter after band camp. nevertheless, we made it! and i'm sure its a collective effort, Mr Glosz's effort, teacher's effort and definately God's grace. it has made all the previous blog posts worth it. we rawked! :) [ps: j2s must catch up on studies hor.. BT2 coming!] yay! aloo at 12:43 PM 0 comments ![]()
I LOVE SAJC CONCERT BAND!i'm so happy that i dunno wat to say except, I LOVE SAJC BAND! yesterday was the best syf i've ever experienced! all our hard work paid off. we'll show those ppl who looked down on us hat we've succeeded yet again! yesterday was really magical. the feeling that i had on stage was like, i dunno how to describe it but i'm sure u guys know wat i mean. i had goose pimples all over during the slow part of merry widow la. i know all of u felt it too. i'm really gonna hate leaving the band man, the past 1 and a half years spent with u guys were the best of my life! i've never had ths kinda feeling when i was in sec sch. i'm so proud to be a member of sajc band! an evening of the saints at the esplanade on 19 july 2005! that's so cool! can't wait to play with sas and show the ppl wat the saints family had achieved! Enru at 8:48 AM 0 comments ![]()
This has truly been a magical journeyBand, We literally rose up to the occasion. The performance was amazing and most importantly we played from our hearts. The next and last big thing would be the presentation night. Let's march forward together towards this final event with a BANG! Band fiesta will also be coming up in early July. Lets make it the most sooper dooper out of the box, creative, out of this world performance! Rmb not to neglect those who did not take part in the SYF, we're all a family and no one should be left behind, they'll be carrying on the legacy. To end this, rmb that in whatever challenges we face, we will make it with the help of one another cos with unity comes strength. I LOVE MY BAND, SAJC BAND SALAHUDDIN HAQUE : ) at 12:50 AM 0 comments ![]()
i love my band.KIDS!!! oh my, i just want to say that i'm so so so so so so(times 10 to the power of 10) damn proud of each one of you. this has been THE syf of my lifetime for me, and for most(hopefully all) of us, this is the last. thnx for making this a blast, a memorable and magical journey tt all of us walked thru hand in hand. against everything, we proved ourselves to be more den just a band and i really hope our goal of musical excellence does not end here. all of you, j1s and my own batchmates, are the most passionate people i have seen in my life. keep that passion burning and we'll be fine forever. its true huh, we'll never forget 050505. yes deon, we're going to step down later(YIPPIE!!!!!!!!!) love, shan. at 12:13 AM 0 comments ![]()
Great Performance Everyone!Just wanted to say thanks to everyone in band! What we did today was indeed remarkable and extraordinary! I'm just so proud to be part of the SAJC Concert BAND! Looking back, it just goes to show how all our hard work and sacrifices has paid off and i've absolutely no regrets at all! I truly believe that with our band, nothing is ever impossible. anybody who ever had doubts over us was certainly proven wrong today! 050505 - a day to remember! love my bandies! -dRe- at 11:32 PM 0 comments ![]()
DeonnnyYo sup peeps. WELL DONE! Im so happy today! SO HAPPY! hahaha. Will never forget the fantastic performance on 050505. You batch of people are one in a million. Like what addi said, we proved ourselves agaisnt all odds. There was something telling me we cant do it, yet i knew we had to push on and ultimately, we achieved our dream. GREAT WORK! Looks like we're stepping down later. Deon. at 11:08 PM 0 comments ![]()
evening with the saintsHey guys, I'm so proud of my band. It's like the bestest syf ever to me. It's like the moment of my life. Hahaha. Whatever it is, I'm very happy just be in this band. Looking back, we've done to come so far. Wow. The friends we have made, the times we been through, the ups and downs. Oh come on, group hug, we all deserve it. I felt so so so proud to sing When the Saints Go Marching In. And yup, Esplanade, here come the SAINTS! Min at 11:04 PM 0 comments ![]()
WELL DONE!!!Hey guys, i rarely blog and i just wanna say that i'm proud of everyone of us. We overcome ourselves and all other difficulties. We reached our goal of music excellence and clinched the Gold and earned ourselves a place in presentation night. It's a performance i would never forget for the rest of my life. I wanna remember every moment of 050505. GREAT job guys. SAJC Band rocks and i love all of you! Dorcas =) at 10:50 PM 0 comments ![]()
I AM PROUD OF U GUYS!!! SAJCCB ROX!!!::ying*wen:: at 9:13 PM 0 comments ![]()
once a bandie, always a bandieSYF woooooooHOOOoooooooo its just soooo exciting man hahaha its the most exciting SYF of all the 3 that i've participated in... can't explain it but i just can't wait for that moment on stage and everything before and ahead of it man oooh.... hmmm i guess its a very very very special SYF for me...the process was truely enriching, i've learnt alot and grew in many ways too...not physically la but u know what i mean...with all the very special people sitting around me too wooow...i jus feel soo wow... ha Anyway its my very LAST syf in my whole life le...and its the same for many of my fellow bros and sis and jnrs as well...lets not be ourselves tmr kk?? let us not enjoy ourselves too...lets not waste our energy being nervous and all...lets just be SAJCCB :) lets make the people around us smile and enjoy themselves :) lets divert the energy to the right places :) UP And On! at 11:53 PM 0 comments ![]()
sajc bandheey my fellow J1s...and J2S!!!!!!! :) i hope u get to see this before the u set out for SAV tmr... ...this is our Last lAst laSt lasT LAST SYF le... hmmm i feel so oold..... to the j1s, i hope this would be the last for u too huh :P study hard kk! so whether or not u want this last to be a nice/memorable one is all up to you ya!? its really all about you, overcoming yourselves tmr and take control of the situation so that we can do whatever that needs to be done yup....... :) SAJC band, let us all continue the Legacy... at 11:30 PM 0 comments ![]()
dedicated to my bandTomorrow is gonna be SAJC's day. To my batchies, I wonder if we are gonna prolong our band lives. But anyway, gotta remember what we said during our very first batch meeting of our batch, gotta end it with a big bang. Haha. Keep things cool and play the bestest Merry Widow and Singapore Rhapsody ever. So yup, and so we say Up and On. Rest well. Min at 11:08 PM 0 comments ![]()
The Day Before...tomorrow is syf! juz found out that so many ppl skipped sch today. haha anyway, juz do our very best and play the best that we've ever played tml. we can do it! UP and ON! Enru at 1:35 PM 0 comments ![]()
ying*wen's backhey my dearest pple :) how are all of u? i miss u guys alot. anyway, main point is... tmr is syf!!! just give ur best okie? everyone of u. smiles. :) all the best. will pray for u. deon... cheers!!!!!! ::ying*wen:: at 11:37 AM 0 comments ![]()
sajc bandOk man, since no one wants to blog.. Looks like I have to do it. Syf is like tomorrr.... And it may be the last activity that many J2s and I experience together. We have came a long way and although many of us are tired, we are satisfied. J2s, it was fun to be in the band with you people. And I just wanna thank all of you peeps that have grown up with me. I will blog the rest after SYF la.. Anyway we will and can do it. Deon at 11:00 AM 0 comments ![]()