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:)ooh it was the last day of orientation for the J1s today...looking at the j1s partying away jus reminds me of my class 04s91 man...bleh it was so fun...most of us were almost of the same frequency haha really nice bunch of ppl to be with.... But i'm sure the j1s enjoyed yourselves ya!? hahaha the only time i see shane and julius perspiring away soo happily hahaha the band performance was really great man i must admit but so were all the other items, dance, difficult plan and all hahaha :) oh well what a day man, wasted so much of my sms and made so many ppl angry...hmmm really sad the soccer match was cancelled...but what to do, things never change so lets jus be an egg in this case bah or else it'll be damn... haha new member of tuba coming :) hi jeremy hahaha oh well i'm sure you'll be much better than andre and i haha after all you're a more established player...hope you can take the pressure and all when the time comes man...if not...no worries...you still have to try...hahaha at 10:24 PM 0 comments ![]()
SAMBASAMBA! haha peeps i tot our samba performance for the j1 orientation finale was rockin! considering we only had a proper ONE prac together. haha. it was sure fun jamming wif u ppl onstage. haha i could even feel the energy from the clapping crowd. you peeps rock man. Ada, Jason, Huimin, Jeslyn, En Ru, Marcus, Andre, Lim Jie, Stuart, Moses, Li Lian, Geri. You peeps rocked and rock! haha Deon. at 9:58 PM 0 comments ![]()
![]() maoam advertisement: "when it gets too good, you can't help but pose" at 10:17 PM 0 comments ![]()
BOREDBlock test is over! well, almost anyway. i'm left with 1 bio spa paper on monday and after that i'm done! i know, those who dun take bio are thanking those who do for that extra day of break rite? haha luckily bio spa doesn't need much studying since its skill c and d so i'm not mugging through my long weekend. anyway, now that block test is almost over, i feel like i've suddenly got a lot of time on my hands and i dunno wat to do with it. i feel like doing something, but i also feel like doing nothing, either. so confusing rite? haha and to prepare myself for the end of block rest, i went to the library to borrow some books, but i dun feel like reading them... and there's nothing on tv! actually. i'm too lazy to on it and check la, and i also dun feel like watching anyway. so i'm basically drifting around and doing nothing. besides coming online, that is. but there's nothing to do online too. so i'm juz playing games like minesweeper and spider solitaire over and over again. anyway, i have to go eat le so.... gotta go! and are we going out on monday? Enru at 1:49 PM 0 comments ![]()
batch pixsorry forgot to add my name. Batch Pix is written by me: Sala at 12:58 PM 0 comments ![]()
batch pixYo, we had quite a good turnout for the auditions for the ppl we were looking for. The results will be out next week and to those who made, Welcome to SAJCband and to those who did'nt, life goes on... Anyways, i was scaning thru some pics we took and realized that we've not had a batch pic in J1 which included everyone. I've the one after SAJS performance but that one does'nt have Ying Hui and Stuart. So Mel, or any Adobe acrobat pro, wanna edit the pic and add their faces??? What Say U? at 12:52 PM 0 comments ![]()
moi ramblingshi, i've been a naughty boy skipping tests,sch like loads last term. I'll officially strive to not skip sch this term and start working more concistently. now that the exam week is coming to an end Im so much more in the mood to blog and all. Speaking about exams, i barely took any papers, some sibling of mine passed me a fever,flu,cough etc on fri last week. thanks to her, i could barely do any studying and stuff. Took the Gp paper, skipped the maths, took chem. I'll be having Physics and Chem sPa but i won't be taking both tmr( still sick ) . Went studying at tampines Macs in da morning with my eastern study pals Jason and Ada, barely managed to do anything cos i was feeling giddy and all. Then at 3, we met up with Shaun and Jasmine to go forPhysics tuition. I left halfway during tuition cos i died of giddiness. yup. ( Doc says its the haze too ). Went home and Dad came back from some job thingy from batam and brought back good food. Had my fill and rested after which i surfed a whole lot online and downloaded a whole lot of Jc/sec syf03 recordings. Watched American Idol and gotta admit that every single contestant is fantastic. after that, i decided to kill time by reading tons of blogs.read deons blog and felt nostalgic. don't worry, the last few months will be a truly memorable one. im really looking forward to tmr's auditions and hope that we'll get whoever we're looking for. not looking forward to the possibily of being caught for not taking exams even though i've an mc. Really looking forward to this sats band prac. glosz will be coming down and stuff. and in the afternoon he wants us to go to the conference hall and role play as adjudicators ( write out comments,t stuff like that) for his Sec sch bands and those affiliated. about 8-9 schs will be performing their 2 pieces, choice and set, as if its the real syf. 2nd intake is coming and i can't wait for the new batch of ppl to come in. new faces,ppl etc. Really looking forward to this year's jcSyf and giving an immaculate performance of Merry widow. and if we do get gold with honours, it'll make the trip even more meaningful and an oppurtunity to show the world what we can do in July at the durian, when the band is at tis peak. Gosh i miss being in top 5, the sec 2 days, the sense of satisfaction,pride, knowing that our hard work was culminated into something fantastic. ..next week sounds like a whole load of fun esp with the Samba thingy cummin up and the j1 orientation and all. basically this new term, new challenges are gonna come come by and its how smart and hard we work which will determine how well we'll do. Can't Hardly Wait! Sala at 12:30 AM 0 comments ![]()
yingwen's timeokie. enuff of my ah boy's emotional entry. more of a happier one from me. :) i bet most jc1s dont know me. but soon u all will know me. smiles. blogging in hk. cool weather here. but i was so sick yesterday that i really wanted to die. if u all want to know the details of my sickness, go read my bloggie. :) anyway, didnt do much this time round. just travelling here and there almost everyday. i've come to a point to realised no matter wat type of novels the bookshop has, i need to choose the thickest of all. coz most of my time in hk is spent on travelling. it's really impossible for me, yingwen, to really do nothing but stare at the driver hoping he'll get my hint to drive faster. deon toh, i miss u. MUACKS!!! after this, i must type kokhoe i miss u. coz he'll say not fair. after that, i will say addi i miss u. coz i will think not fair to him too. den i will think of many pple like kumz, ah min, aloo, enru, joey fung, yaoyao, melmel... ... ... ...etc. so many pple. i bet they miss me too. my crazyness in band. ahahahaha!!!! whoa... so many jc1s have their own bloggies. not bad. haha. anyway, lazy pple like kokhoe, pls update ur bloggies can??? and those without, pls go set up one. anyway, friendsters offer blogs services now. if i am not wrong huh? and after not blogging here for so long, kinda miss my batch pple. pple like layney, tau, cia, jadey, angel, ash, jianzong, ziyen, peg, jas... ... so many of them. maybe because i am in hk tat's why. but well, doesnt matter. let's all go out when i come back okie? muacks! and specially for huimin, what hp straps u want? mmm... long or short? wat brand? wat pattern? or rather wat cartoon-nies u want?? ahahahaha... must tell me okie? for the rest. those who want to order anything from hk just leave a note in my bloggie. or list them in ur entry okie? muacks!!! byeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... ::yingwen:: at 3:20 PM 0 comments ![]()
MemoriesPeople, deons here... Im taking a break now from exams and since i had nothing to do i decided to read the blog from the very 1st entry. It brought back many memories and suddenly i feel damn sad. Jc2s, our time is gone. Many good memories suddenly appeared once again... damn sad la... Remember the time when we were doing our promos? It was damn troublesome and we were struggling and all and waiting for time to pass and for promos just to be over... I can still remember the joy of finishing the last paper! It was like a huge orgasm haha. And also getting more than i expected for promos was the icing on the cake. Suddenly i had confidence in my studies again. Remember the time that we were preparing for open house and spring cleaning. It was the best time i had in band, everyone was having fun bonding and going crazy while painting doing the files and prezzies and spring cleaning was damn good also. Remember the time andre and addi had to transfer along with kumz and they were going thru a very rough patch. Remember the times we quarrelled and also the times we had fun. Remember when kumz went for his operation and everyone (almost) was there at his house that very day to visit him. It was realli heart warming. Remember the time where the girls went to sentosa and got themselves burnt? And the past jc2s struggling with their a levels and in a blink it was gone? Open house night where we stayed over and did the whole sch upside down? And the very next day it was more like BAND OPEN HOUSE? hahah. it was freaking good! When Mr COCKROACH invaded the band room with his accomplices? aha The times when we went to town to enjoy ourselves. ok the many times! The time when half the band was down with flu Talking about open house, the times when we art attacked jie and the yellow room of kok! The times when i KENA THE ART ATTACK.The time we had WHATSOEVER THINGS. The couples getting together the concerts we did. the Chalets that we had. Everything was just so fun. Anyway, time passes really fast and somehow i just feel sad. After so time we have to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters. And reality is some of us may never see each other after we leave jc ever again. Lets realli cherish our brothers and sisters and never let go of each other. When u meet trouble in sch, its only us for ourselves. who else will help you!? haha. Anyway u people are great and i love u all big and small. ROCK ON! Deon at 10:16 PM 0 comments ![]()
hEey ppl my com is fixed!! :)ooh my first entry ever since my com was back in my room sweet room ha...i came across this Carrot, Egg and Coffee Bean article today, don't know if any of you have already read abt this but to those who have not...here goes... A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as 1 problem was solved a new one arose. Her father a chef, took her to the kitchen. he filled 3 pots with water and place each on a high fire, soon the pots came to a boil. In one he placed carrots, in the second he placed eggs and the last he placed ground coffee beans. He let them sit and boil, without saying a word. The daughter sucked her teeth and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. In about 20min, he turned off the burners. He fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then he ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her he asked."darling, what do you see." Carrots, eggs and coffe,"she replied. he brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. he then asked her to take an egg and break it. after pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. she smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. She humbly asked."what does it mean father?" He explained tt each of them had faced the same adversity, boiling water, but each reacted differently. the carrot went in strong, hard, and relenting. But after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. the egg had been fragile. its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique however. after they were in the boiling water, they changed the water. "which are you,"he asked his daughter. "when adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?" Back to reality...haha its to whoever is reading it right now... How bout you? are you the carrot tt seems hard but with pain and adversity do you wilt and become soft and lose your strength? are you the egg, which starts off with a malleable heart? were you a fluid spirit but after a death a breakup a divorce or a layoff have you become hardened and stiff. your shell looks the same but are you bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and heart? or are you the coffee bean? the bean changes the hot water, the thing that is bringing the pain, to its peak flavor reaches 212 degrees fahrenheit. when the water gets the hottest, it jus tastes better. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and make things better around you.how do u handle adversity? are you a carrot and egg or a coffee bean? ") your MOtherly MO.... at 11:28 PM 0 comments ![]()
attn: all j2sif you're staring at this space right now.. AINT YOU SUPPOSED TO BE STUDYING? hmmm... P.S. my fave quote: good luck are for those unprepared. all the best for block test.. P.S. good luck to me ;-) melvyn
at 10:41 AM 0 comments ![]()
DeonnnnyHello, Its 1045pm on a sat night like 2 days before block test. WTH am i doing online rite. OK honestly im here to blog! haha ya rite. Im here to listen to some music btw. Anyway i dun have a blog so i like to crap here. But. If you people noticed the blog originally wasnt for annoucements and stuff, it was for the guys (and girls) to write their feelings and thoughts here! Yeah and it was also created during our promos study period to help relieve stress. so here i go... Kinda worried for block test cause the words just dont seem to get in my head. anyway im done with 1st round revision which is usually very brief and helps me get the main picture 1st. Guess wad, SAJC notes and humans teachers suck (wads new huh). Other schools have fantastic notes like ACJC RJC and CJC. They are getting damn good results too, the teachers spoon feed them with notes. Like in the context of A levels. WHY NOT!? lets worry about getting into uni before worrying whether we can cope in UNI. Anyway after block test im trying to get all the notes from those schools and start studying like on a more consistent basis. other schools had their block test before hols and look which idiotic sch is having theirs after. Seriously i screwed my prac crit for lit already so dun be surprised if i get a triple F or something like tt. just hope i can really get down to it and do it rite. was kinda lucky for promos and i duno if the luck can last. It really sucks sometimes when u know you have to study but your body's going "your arse is too heavy u cant move" and your minds going "ooohhh the computer/tv/sofa/drums/piano/guitar/magazine/ball/*blank*". ok im just too darn LAZY. no wonder im a , quote from ms * "your a waste of space!" Yeah i can feel the pressure but somehow im already numb towards it and the feelings freaking sick. im just waitin for the darn exams to end then i can LET GO and RELAX for a moment and get my mind back into place. its an overworked machine in life. I just had the engine running since my performances. Its been like performance performance performance block test, for me. Anyway enough about block test. i just waitin for the block test to consume me then shit me out so i will be free again. and suddenly. IM SICK OF SAJC, it was too much of an illusion. I think i would have enjoyed ACJC. but oh well. too late. haha. just me bitching if u dont mind. suddenly sajc is dead. no life, the teachers are rigid and cant teach or use their heads. the sch activities suck big time how can i not whine and the sch is too damn strict and the cafe is filled with shit expensive food the facilities are dying the j1s are getting boring the counsellors are not fantastic honestly even the morning assemblies are getting boring and slapstick my friends kinda agreed that the sch is going down and we were kinda decieved by the 1st 3 months outlook. i mean the teachers dont even treat us like adults and only insult and live day by day. wtf? Anyway wanna party after block test peeps? guess we will. Btw we are doing a samba item for the j 1 orientation and need about almost the whole batch to perform. anyway the time now is 11pm and im off. wanna see more ppl blog man. its getting kinda dry. Deon at 11:10 PM 0 comments ![]()
Ran awayMatch abandoned. SAS too afraid to play! Tsk seriously. Anyway training tml. WTH la. Can we organize a match properly? Training 10am-12pm. SAJC SCHOOOL FIELD. ATTENDANCE IS COMPULSARY. Full field training at 9:17 PM 0 comments ![]()
GILMAN FC!WELCOMe BACK TO E NEW SEASON OF "GILMAN E BAND" Its your friendly neighbour hood soccer mundial reporter! Cristiano Deon! Who is now an uncle old already... Anyway this.. YES THIS tuesday we have a match agaisnt the junior team, SAS! Try not to look down on them k! The team report is soon to come up with Godpa recovering from illness and the team generally including its latest signings from the summer. Today we shall start on a clean sheet. Get geared up. Its this tuesday morning on SAJC GILMAN FC HOME GROUND!. Tohtoh. at 9:59 PM 0 comments ![]()
OieOie, hols coming up next wk... ever heard of the phrase safety in numbers? ha anyway was wonderin if you peeps wanna go back to sch to study on wednesday during the hols. esp the economik students..or geog or lit or anything la. group study helps if we get someone to keep us in check. ya was suggesting why not have a soccer match wif some lousy team on wed then we study in the afternoon or something... yeah something like tt la. anyway hows studying coming along... just felt much better after clearing some doubts and i can pick up fast so im so much more relieved. Well I got kicked outta class today by mdm Habibs and got damn depressed. But feeling much better now besides the fact i duno wth im doing sometimes. esp after the concert lost out on alot of studying.. shite. Anyway those interested leave a msg and start blogging ppl. oie,ever heard of safety in numbers? well.. hols and the block tests are coming. in fact mine will end on tuesday after the hols. shiok rite. wadever. roland wont be around la.. he will be in m'sia. sian life is getting stressful with all the blocktest shite. hope you all are enjoying it as much as im. did i mention i have a saturation of 5 hours a day. hope this all ends soon. so those interested just drop a msg since our doodle is spoilt. and i duno how to amend it. tsk hahah. cheers. talking about cheers, i saw something on tv. man: oh no! i think i see a message in my alphabet cereal! dog: really? what does it say...? man: it says :"Oooooo!"dog: idiot, your eating cheerios. man: oh. If that was not funny, sue me.. Deon at 9:34 PM 0 comments ![]()
I want honeystarsHey friends. Been a while since I really type some words here. Anyway, I had my part of fun during festiva. Please keep your booklets properly! Haha, for the J1s, I've got tons of them left, so yeah, one for everyone is fine I guess. Somebody post the batch picture up please? To the senior batch. Happy for all of your results. Maybe the results is just a slip of paper, just be proud of whatever you've got. Still proud of all of ya! To the juniors. Great that the results are out and anxiety is over. Hope that you kids have enjoyed your 1st 3months here. It's been great having you people around. Those who are staying, great, get to know you better. Those who are leaving, sure miss ya but settle down soon. Be proud of parents' or your choice. To my batchmates. It's our turn this year!!! Oh man! Have fun studying for BT1! And well done to those who just gotten back their Chinese/Malay/Tamil AO results. Kums you don't take tamil right? Haha. Final year of band life in a way, end it with a bang. And one last chance to prove that you can balance your life well!!! Nothing's too tough to handle so hang in there! Love ya all. Min at 8:52 PM 0 comments ![]()
no more procrastination!!Hey! its me! wow, i've not blogged for so long! now that the concert is over, there's no excuse to procrastinate further. the dreaded block test is approaching and unfortunately, we're required to study for it. hai..... but i still dun feel stressed at all. i think i'm dead. i also need someone to push me to study! haha. hope all of us manage to get our average of C's. however, its like, impossible for me to get a C for chem la... so i've decided today is chem day! hope i understand my notes. haha. anyway, good luck for the block test, everybody! oh, and wat happened to the doodle board?! Enru at 4:07 AM 0 comments ![]()
Nafa band concert combined with cambrian brass quintetYo! theres a NAFA ( nanyang academy of fine arts ) concert tonight combined with the world renowned cambrian brass quintet later ( sat ) at 7.30 pm at NAFA. its near Bugis Junction. Tickets are free, and for those who do not have tix....they're adding in more chairs. Basically free admission. brass players advised ta go ...ask j1's too if ya wanna go, just contact me.. currently those going may amy winnie eugene myself ( sala ) 2 of eugenes temasek juniors 3 css frenz and more....just that i don't know exactly who yup so if ya got nothing to do today, don't feel like studying, then just go lo... we'll be meeting at 7.00pm at bugis control station ciaoz! at 4:32 PM 0 comments ![]()
Saints E FestivaHello guys, The concert was above average and more entertaining than most concerts, ppl enjoyed it and i hope you people did too... Anyway thanks for working and all. It was overall quite a good experience conducting African Sym. coz i never conducted a band before. I really loved the singing part? I hope most of the j1s will come back la. Ya and its time to study. Something I dread but we dont have much of a choice do we. Watched A Series of Unfortunate Events ytd, was very entertaining. Liangshi, Addi, Marcus (Late comer), Stuart, Huimin, Aloo, Enru, Wingman, Jinghui (hope i spelt correctly) and me. Ok hope i didnt leave anyone out too. Ya then after the movie most of us went to Chomp X2 to eat. JACKY AND JULIUS pangsei. Tsk. J2s have just one last event i guess. Its Syf then its a levels. Oh ya, I hope all the ex j2s are happy with their results, if not just take it in your pride and move on k? School's been very unforgiving for me and I hope it gets better. Stress levels are very high k. Teachers match on tuesday! Is it confirmed? Im old already, cant play much and havent played much for a long time.. I cant seem to start studying.. can someone push me hhaha. Alrite man.. I will be studying in school during the hols so anyone interested to join me dont be shy haha. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DOODLE BOARD!? Anyway, hope block test comes fast and leaves fast and a levels too.. then we'd be outta sch or singapore.. haha. Tsk nothing left to write cept welldone band. Cheers, Deon. at 3:42 PM 0 comments ![]()
busy busy!!you guys.. not me... i'm free now... got no more alumni and no more SMU... and i don't know what to do with my saturday nights.. haha.. since you all are soooooooooo busy preparing for tomorrow's concert, i wonder if you'll have the time to read this la... but here goes.. =D first thing right... is congrats to all J1s for their results la.. heard that this batch did quite well.. so i guess most of the J1s would be staying in the band? haha.. stupid julius the birthday boy still wanna bluff people say he got 23 points... huh.. next time cannot trust him le.. bleah! and here i was feeling sorry for him.. =P yep. so i guess you all are sort of lucky la.. the new intake shouldn't have many new faces.. and your band com task would be easier le.. haha.. i shall not start complaining about SR's band now.. haha.. and for those who won't be staying or can't right... it's ok.. i SORT OF managed to survive it la.. and well... not everything in life goes the way you want it to.. remember that God has a plan for everyone. =) then 2nd thing is... J2s and seniors, A levels coming out this friday la.. haha.. yingwen, you won't get 3 Es! hopefully ALL J2s will pass.. then we'll all be rid of chinese for the rest of the year.. haha.. =) and after concert all better start studying k? then can go to Oz in june. =) 3rd thing is. tomorrow's concert. horn section please remember to come in hor.. not like last year's leonesse... =P and then... preparation has been quite strenous on you all la.. somemore sounds like thursday is going to be a mad rush since st. margs is using SCH until 6.. haha.. all of you better drink more water and take care of yourselves la.. go toilet a few more times nvm one.. =D most suay thing is you fall sick on concert day.. haha.. and i got school on friday! =S ermz. are we still playing against the teachers? whatever date it is? play leh.. i already got all excited over it le.. until i got told cannot play on monday coz got a rugby match on.. haha.. better play ok?! at 9:05 PM 0 comments ![]()