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HonestlyHonestly, Hey people, its muah deon. Anyway, just wanna say somethings. Time for me to be direct again, paiseh its in my blood. For me band practice has been becoming more and more sian by every session. I dont know but I'm getting more and more restless. I think the music we are making is really insufficient. I dont feel it. Its so dead. Its like, when you sit there with a heavy instrument [i like it though] and you play notes, even if you vibrato here and there, rubato here and there and try to make it sound better, it doesnt help. And every time i do it, it doesnt help. The more I do it and it doesnt work the more helpless it all seems. What I'm enjoying in band now is mainly sports for life and the lame shit we crack up but the music is really kinda crappy. What are the quality players doing man? In the band, if one person doesnt play that good it will influence the other players. But then again it can be reversed. Sadly the evil side is easier to turn to and turn out. If you people really consider yourselves as quality players then what are you doing. As for the rest, really you have to practice and be better. You must think, "how can I improve myself". "Am I happy being just this, Am I happy just not to tap on my potential or whatever is left of it?". This is an all time low for me in the band. I've been keeping this deep inside of me for very long not wanting to bring it out, hoping that the situation might change, but it hasnt, and now everytime I sit there for band prac, its just so darn boring that I have to resort to adlibbing and talking to other people to entertain myself. In my four years of band playing, I have never played in a band with so little enthusasim. Whats your purpose in band, are we wasting 4 hours everday in band , looking at our watches hoping that it will end? Thats how I feel. Tomorrow is band practice and I dread it. The truth is we are not good enough and no one is doing anything. We are all talk and nothing. I'm guilty of it too. I admit I havent been practicing enough. The SAS people and SPS people, what is going on, take the initiative, its true that you are not the only group of people in the band, but majority of you are the core group. In fact all of you, you have the power. 1st three months people, what did we say and dream of? Is it too far? HONESTLY, IM NOT HAPPY IN BAND. and the feeling sucks. the happiest i've been in sajc was the happiest i've been in music making for these years. it was when i just entered and realised alot of things i once was ignorant about. Mr glosz was a huge reason why i entered after that and stuff. He was the most interesting and unexpecting teacher I've met so far. But he was not the only one. People i disliked and wanted to prove something to them made me stay. The thought that i still had a chance to join percussion section made me stay. The fact that the band people were the special bunch in any sch made me stay. The fact that i love alot of people in the band made me stay. The fact that you people accept me for doing wad i like and accept me for my eccentric behaviour made me stay. The FACT THAT WE CAN MAKE IT BIG made me stay. Honestly, its not just the music that made me stay. BUT WHAT IS A BAND WITHOUT MUSIC? Wake up! In secondary school I controlled my band with an iron fist and most things turned out rite, but here we cant do that and i hate forcing people, however i still duno how to help. I feel so helpless as we waste each day away and away. Its never gonna come back. Everytime i feeel happy its covered up by the fact that this issue bugs me. Its just so god damn sad to see the expectations being piled on us are not met and that we are not doing anything about it. So what if we have the biggest cca room have the cleanest cca room have the most rarra bunch of people. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS CCA? MUSIC? Is this cca important to you? I duno. But it is, everyone has sacrificed something to be here, be it time or studies. DONT THROW IT ALL AWAY. The fact is the solution is staring straight back at us but we are not doing anything. We are not doing anything. Take the solution. It belongs to us. The band belongs to us. Are we gonna sit there and cry and moan about how lousy we are about what losers we are about what big mouths we can be?! I HATE THAT. PICK YOURSELVES UP NOW! Do it now, pick yourselves up, stare at the competition straight at the face and just listen and do what you are told. SALA JIE MAY. We need you people to do something. NOTHING IS ALRITE and im sure you know that. Come on people I really dont know how to put it. We have to do something. WE. WE. WE. Its us. Its you me and everyone. Lets do something, please. Love me or hate me. We suck. Thats how direct I'm gonna be. But its not too late yet. Its not the end yet. Its never too late. Look at me and tell me its not too late. Wheres the fight in sajc band. RJC may mock us now. But I'm gonna shove it in their face and tell them. We are not done yet. We have a statement to make. LETS PICK OURSELVES UP AND FIGHT BACK. NOW. Deon Toh Keng Yong. Sajc Band Member. at 9:56 PM 0 comments ![]()