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die die die diearhx....soooo long nvr blog liao~ but i dud think it MATTERS! coz the rest of u guys are blogging as well thts good manz! but firstly...let mi first say a few things!!! 1) kumar get well soon okie! u can play soccer 6/7 months later. but now u mus recover and get well soon~ the band,klass,gilman f.c and gilman brass band needs u! 2)enru get well soon! ur throat...dud shout so much and eat more strepsils and ...erm.......dud be so ti kee go eat wadever u like! 3) i LOVE MY WINNIE! okie enuff of the wadever matchmaking services later the blark blark manz starts to scold mi~ pw realli sucks manz! although i happen to like my pw grp except for onli a person~ and i believe many will know whu! lucky tml's pw meeting she's nt going! hhahaa thank god ! oh god bless mi!!! thankew!!! today was a jus a average sunday~ lolx.....dud know why but i wanna slp now...sooo slpy...maybe its 2am now hahaha!!! nuting exciting happen today~ and i dud realli hope of anything exciting!but i am watching this damn funnie ghostbusting chinese movie...make mi luff like sheeet!!!....lolx! cannot stand it anymore~~~ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhh ~ lolx~ gunbound then soccer then gunbound haaa.....deon played today manz...and i killed him twice... and i realli think tht he wanna kick my ass arhx~ :P (toh, u can kick my ().() anytime~ i'll be waiting) aloo and stuart also played sooooo exciting!!! and then i taught kuma how to play too! i think soon we will hav a gb clan of sajc. ok enuff of all tht!!! BAND! guys~ as kokz said wadsoeva things is hard. but we mus still carry on...soon we will kill the piece....dud worry guys hard work will certainly pay off! dud giv up. no matter wad eva solo(s) or high notes. we as a band mus be in one heart one voice one body. and with tht nothing can stop us we are the mighty SAJCBAND! when there's a will, there will be a way! impossible is nothing! so guys, now is the time where u people can brush up. rmber to prac technicals okie!!! its important too! but the most important is tht u love ur instrument. u wan to conquer it! DON'T U PEOPLE EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER AND I REALLI MEAN EVER EVER GIV UP!. let the passion burn within u! and sajc band realli rawks. lets keep it this way and sumnthing tht realli made mi sad....huang na died.... the ger whu got kidnapped~ she's dead~.... f&* the b!@&$^% tht killed her...why mus this world be filled wif ass*$&# like this.... i realli hope he die young!!!! DIE YOUNG U MURDERER!!!!....and i hope tht devil will burn ur *^ alive manz!!! and i hope ur soul burns as u see wad other sins u hav committed!!! u !@#$%^& go to hELl and meet ur dearest fren man!!! u punky piece of sheet!!! i hate this kind of pple! go to hell~ ... (i'm realli sorrie pple whu read this~ but im realli feelin very sad coz some foreign ger whu came to singapore got kidnapped and killed!!!) sorrie pple! i'm going to kumz hse tml to do pw ..!!! yeay!!! thts the bright thing! okie guys!!! take care okie...now hols dud fall sick and cannot celebrate.! and lastly i love my wynne! YaOfENg! at 1:42 AM 1 comments ![]()