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band blog!i know i'm a little late. but happy new year! hope you all had a good time staying up and welcoming the arrival of the year of the rat. maybe you had watch night service, or some gathering at somebody's place, or maybe you even watched ratatouille all alone... but i'm sure you guys had fun. which is good. which is very good actually. ok i don't know what i'm talking about here but it's okay right. cos i know you all miss me and you're bursting with joy just reading my nonsense. HAHA okay i'll not push it. :x anywayssss. i'm hungry. but i digress. i feel for those who have already gone into army. poor thing, funny spectacles and no hair. is it colder? well. with global warming at all that rubbish it's good that you guys won't have to use as much shampoo as the rest of us. somemore now even shampoo getting so expensive. all the best to the rest of you who have yet to enlist anw. :) hmm... guys have it better than girls in some ways you know. not only do we have to go job hunting while you guys have your income (or allowance, whatever) secured, we also have to cope with the adult bus fare. and LONELINESS. :'( hahaha. the workplace gets dreary at times. okay i admit the physical training is also bleh/torturous etc. but you're getting more fit. while we are getting fat! (i hope i'm not alone on this or else it's damn embarrassing.) YES. i'm putting on weight. i thought i'd never ever get fat. but boohooo. now let me try to link this back to band life so my post won't be deemed irrelevant by some of you critics. j2s! haha. you guys have probably been through a fair bit, representing sajcband as batch'07-08. the memories you have forged together, and the lessons learnt from experiences.. it's my hope that they have in some way contributed to the growth of all of you as individuals and as a band. and i believe that you're now more than sufficiently prepared to mentor and nurture the new j1s as they begin a new chapter of their lives, and as you move on to yet another stage of this part of your lives. i know differences and rifts are unavoidable in any band, or in any organisation actually. but what makes any experience worthwhile and satisfying is how these things mould you, and how you learn to react to things more positively and constructively. how you find true friendships in ur jc life and whether you've succeded in finding joy while being a blessing in the lives of others, rather than making your own self happy. or you know la, what i'm getting at. i hope. haha. i don't mean to sound presumptuous or anything. but as a (kind caring and sweet) senior of course i want you all to be happy right! so yea. hope you learn from our mistakes and are somehow more prepared to face the challenges of a j2 student. yup. all the best j2s! <3<3 ok long enough. i think i beat jj already. haha! just kidding. goodbye then. take care and God bless! :D -pam at 6:06 PM 0 comments ![]()
OUR blogfirst of all, happy new year bandies!!! yeah, so tml's the start of another brand new year. new kids, new bandies. j2s either working, NS-ing or slacking. j1s no longer j1s-u guys are now the j2s, the seniors, the ones guiding the new bandies, passing on our traditions, our culture, our ways. which brings me to my point. this blog. it saddens me to see that so far, none of the j1s have really used this blog. it has been around for around 3 years now, something started by our ex-seniors, yes, who are ppl many in the band may not have known though. but they started something which they hoped to be passed down, from batch to batch. someone has to start it, and they did, and now, after just 3 batches, its stagnant. and i mean really stagnant. look at the intervals between the entries. if u have the time, look back at past entries. even if u're not a member, u can still feel the spirit of the band from them. i know its too powerful a word, but now, the blog's fading away.. the one time the blog actually really faded, when someone deleted it, everybody, from non sajccb bandies to members to alumni were suddenly concerned abt it, asking each other what exactly happened, who did it, can it be retrieved back. and not wanting to lose a part of our band history, a few j2s investigated and tried to retrieve it, and eventually succeeded. and here u are reading it, the sajc band blog. a record of sajc band life, the sweat, blood, and sweetness of 3 batches. and while alumni of cos are more than welcome to write entries, they cant be the ones keeping the blog going.. of cos, not expecting ppl to start writing essays here from now on, but some things, serious or even nonsensical here and there would be nice. im sure no one needs a lesson on how to blog right.. so yup, soon-to-be j2s. keep this blog going, alright guys? -jj at 9:14 PM 0 comments ![]()