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hey you J1 band members! haha prepare your hearts and your everything else for the Perth trip ya!? i feel so urgh! that i'm not on this trip man...cherish what you've been blessed with and make the most out of it addi oh oh it'll soon be LIANG SHI'S birthday :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) hahaha HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY!!!! Happy Birthday Mr Tee!!!!!!!!! at 11:49 PM 0 comments ![]()
sajc bandhey guys! today no band pract right j2s? haha change to friday last day of school hor!? haha don't think of ponning la k, though its the last day of school. lets play soccer after band pract kk!!!!??? haha confirm ah!!! (u guys better don ps!) soccer after band pract on friday! so bring extra cloths kk :) j1 guys wana join us also can! but u just have to wait for is to end our band pract lo kk? :) yupyup Deborah, u can join us if u want too :) haha tgc all.... addi at 11:15 PM 0 comments ![]()
wahahay tag on tagboard... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY COLIN! marker treatment? taupoK? or duct tape... wooo... beware eh... kokhoe at 4:38 PM 0 comments ![]()
dearest j2sits been a cool 1half years banding with you guys man. dont know if i'll be able to perform for the aug concert, hopefully so.. but anyway, i think we all know its high time we got our behinds down to mugging.. like less than 2 months left for a-hundred-gazillion-fifillion-thousand topics? okay.. i know i was exaggerating but look at it! its not little lor. so come on! crash the mandatory study program and work your brains for that 2 hours. its quite motivating! EVERYONE around you would be studying. plus the fact i think quite a few of us are there on a regular basis.. excellent environment. =) so study hard yup! and yes! HEY lets all go for famine camp! and big walk! exercising's good eh! =) -xiuz. at 8:56 PM 0 comments ![]()
saints ascencio!hey!!! i'm still so hyper and excited over saints ascencio! great job everyone! it's really such a pleasure to perform and be part of the concert! and just wanna thank every single person in the band for making the concert a success, and also the seniors and teachers and whoever that helped out, and i believe this is not the end, especially for the j1s, the flight has just taken off, and we'll continue to bring sajcband to greater heights! yep, and a special big *HUG* to the percussion section for being such sweeties (including ganesh) =D i'm really so super duper proud of the j1s, for being so initiated and improving so much, it's really a joy to have you gals! keep up the spirit! ![]() peace out~ at 9:26 PM 0 comments ![]()
a million thanks to my dearest batchmates.that 2+ hours on friday night seemed like forever to me. it's hard to believe that in one moment we were lighting up candles, preparing the farewell for our seniors and in a flash, we're slogging for our penultimate performance, which could also be the last for some. i never dare say we were very well bonded. but we have beaten the odds quite a few times to achieve what seemed impossible to ourselves(i'm only referring to the J2s and not the whole band as J1s has got way to go!). all i can say is, we're incompletely complete. and imperfectly perfect. thank you all for guiding ourselves, the juniors and the concert towards success. jus wanna express my deepest appreciation to my batch of 05/06. nic* at 9:19 PM 0 comments ![]()
thank you seniors =)thank you for that wonderful and sweetest gift a batch can receive. we're damn touched. i swear i wanted to cry when i saw it. so nice! thank you, seniors of o4/o5. thank you, alumni for your support too. -xiuz. at 7:34 PM 0 comments ![]()
go band! let's give our best for saints ascencio tomorrow k =D at 9:49 PM 0 comments ![]()
CRUISEFOR THE CURRENT GRADUATED J3 batch. Who's interested in cruise on the 2nd week of june? Please comment ONCE and state preferred dates and budget. please put your name. at 11:15 PM 0 comments ![]()
3 more days!3 more days to the concert! i know all of you will put up a great performance. keep up the band spirit and j2s, pass on the legacy of sajcband. even though some people always put unnecessary obstacles in your way, conquer them and emerge from these difficulties a stronger band. good luck! enru at 10:20 PM 0 comments ![]()
hey band, concert's coming, so... 1)DRINK LOTSA WATER! 2)EAT ALOT OF FRUITS! 3)REST, REST, REST! kokhoe. at 8:33 PM 0 comments ![]()
Make it your night!Hey kiddos! your concert is in a few days time and just wanted to wish you all, all the best for it. and even as stress increases and there's the pressure of a coming concert. most important would be for everyone to enjoy themselves! music is about enjoyment and one way to make others enjoy what you play, you've gotta first enjoy it yourself! so make this friday night your evening and let it be a night of expressions that flow freely from all you musicians! play well, those cool dudes from the tubes. -dre at 6:56 PM 0 comments ![]()