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ANNOUCEMENTS! READ ME!Ting Ting Ting Ting~~~ Ok peeps some important annoucements which are quite informal. Anyhow, just respond if you are involved. 1) Those going on the BANGKOK trip after our A levels, J1s are not allowed cept some lao jiao, please give your names to Deon AND (its AND and not OR) Stuart, just to double confirm by latest this coming tuesday, 2/8/05. Please note, once you have decided, theres no turning back... Phom pen nakrian thii SAJCBAND! 2) Those who are really interested in going to the STOMP concert which is coming up, cheapest tickets by sistic at 25 bucks, please give your names to DEON, by this WEDNESDAY, 03/8/05. please note, once you have decided, theres no turning back.... 3) JC2s remember to pay Angeline her 35 bucks for the band dinner, if you choose not to then we feel sorry for Angeline. But of course if you choose to be responsible, then hand it to her latest by Wednesday, 03/8/05. Remember, when you decided, theres no turning back... 4) Those bandies interested in booking a table together for prom, please get together in your informal cliques to discuss about it. Its a whopping 65 bucks per head (so guys must pay 130, a-ha-ha, ok thank you for laughing) , anyway, please note, once you... (wth) anyway just try to decide ASAP. Ok thank you thats all! Ting Ting Ting Ting~~~ by, EvIl BeTtYxzX (errhehhhehh) Ah lianx go Worxz Worxz Chickens go Cluck.. Cows Go Moo Moo How 'bout you!? DEON. at 7:30 PM 0 comments ![]()
![]() haha ookay i'm so sure everyone would have wanted to see this. haha :) at 11:35 PM 0 comments ![]()
![]() SAJC Concert Band, I love. My beautiful people. By Min at 8:55 PM 0 comments ![]()
sajc bandTestimonial match results.... yup yup we won the match against that silly team 2-1...but not after a hard fight to persuade Mr *** to allow us to use the field, which was misinterpreted...was suppose to play, change and leave all in an hour, but instead we thought we were allowed one hour of time on the field...BUT anyway, Thank You for letting us play at least...at least there was some compassion eventhough we were in the wrong...man I'm so sorry guys I did not book the field and we had so much trouble...I think I tarnished the name of the band us well...heard that Mr *** told my tuba senior(he came back to visit on his day off today) today that 'ask ur band don think they got Gold with Honours only then can anyhow like that' (anyhow like that-us using the field without booking la...) but I never had that on my mind when I wanted to go ahead with the match la...and its not the band's fault, i knew the details, I jus told them yes/no can or cannot play...and that thing abt Gold with Honours...aiiiii wtFFFFFFF man we work our ass off right, we did our best right it was all our effort right, how much of it is the schl's effort, why would I ever think that the schl owes us something and they should let us use the field or do what we want...its so silly la...i never never expected it to come frm someone like him...and the reason why I still wanted to go ahead with the match despite them not allowing us to book the field is since cor only gona use till that certain time the we use the nxt slot of time lo...jus bend the rules abit la...and i don wana drag it till another day le...jus play it once and for all so the j2s can jus go study... so deon and i were worried the whole of this morning, haha especially when Silas came up to talk, we thought he was gona call us to office and the schl ppl are gona vent their anger, monday blues and all at us...but aii donno la...then while having dinner, I received a sms saying Mr *** got scolded by the office...ha! whatever lo i've lost 90% of my respect for him le though i still agree that he is one of the FEW better teachers around in sajc...but how do u expect me to believe that he got SCOLDED!! ha! its like Mr Glosz said he got scolded la...ha whatever la...i still hate adults... what is the field for, nice? for the birds? only for gals/boys soccer team? only for sports ppl!? then why allow us to use it during PE as well?? i know a bad condition field can cause injury to a player...but hey! how many fields in singapore are actually up to standard...are we becoming like ajc where the field is always soo nice...i guess the students there probably have no memories at all of playing on their schl field or have gd experiences playing sports in their scale cos only the sports ppl get to use it... haha i've got into so much trouble with the teachers i think probably the whole teaching stuff knows me already and the counsels too, like what christabel or jacky says, they probably have my disfigured pic in the counsel office and they play darts with it everyday...ha! well whatever it is...i owe an apology to u guys man...sorry J2s, deon and Andre especially and of course to SAJCCB....ur name has been dirtied, sorry...sorry.... anyway i still stand by it that adults sux and i really don wana grow up... welfarian... at 8:14 PM 0 comments ![]()
TESTIMONIAL MATCHOk la dudes, since I already stepped up, I will stop the reporter stuff. Anyway, today is yours truly presenting this "news update". Wtf la, anyway. Ok, so tomorrow, we will be having a good match with some ****ed up team which pang sei us just before a match. Ok, so you can guess theres lost of hostility that we have towards them. This match is our JC2s testimonial match, so just hope everyone will be there, whether it is to watch or to play. As many of you can guess this match will be the last before we break for the exams and then yeah who knows when will the next match be. The line-up: Jie Marcus Kok Hoe Liang Shi Andre Jason Redhuwan Kumaresh Yaofeng Addison Stuart Shuan Timo Jian Zhong Alvin Yeo Deon Ok, actually wanted to put handsome in place of my name but noticed wad I said earlier? Yep, of course this is the Jc2 and alumni line up, we expect some Jc1s like Jeremy and Nicholas to come down. Supporters are strongly encouraged to come down and cheer for GFC or one last time? Of course we do hope that more matches will come for the next few years and keep us all in contact. Anyway, its time to wrap this up. Venue : SAJC school field Time : 4:30pm Lets all pray for good weather. Testimonial for GFC: Ok la dudes, my testimonial for GFC, as you all know, the team actually helped to take out alot of pressure from band itself. And boys being boys, must have their share of fun and soccer just makes up for alot of things. It helped to foster stronger bonds I believe, which were important for our music playing also, and therefor I dont believe that sports and music cannot be together. Its discipline too. It was really fun playing side all of you guys and I hope we play well in tomors match, just have fun and score some goals. I can still remember our first match haha 12-2 hoho. Although we have lost track of the top assists and goals, (ha) its still ok and I hope we all have fun tml. Its been fun and we need to rename the team soon la, shifting out already. DEON at 12:48 PM 0 comments ![]()
fatty!!heey...really glad u guys liked the arrangements, the candles and all...though it was not my idea...think it's eef bah...but frm the beginning of the preperations, i was lighting the candles...and i assure u it was no easy task...try fighting the wind, not like the fan which u can jus switch it off u know... so yea i was alone at the foyer lighting the candles on the floor...then as i moved on, it occured to me that this whole candle path thing is actually rather related to our band journey well not only ours but many batch before and i believe so after as well...its like the unlighted candles on the floor represent the goals of the band which have not been achieved...and as we move, we light up a candle and it represents that ooh, we've accomplished that particular goal!! :) ...but as we move on, obstacles in the form of the wind come along and jus blow out the candle, preventing us frm progressing forward and we have to back track to light it back again...then again as we move on, (we had to switch off the lights to give a good effect of the candles heh, so yea it was dark k...) we lost sight of some of our goals and left them unaccomplished so we had to back track again and the cycle of the wind blowing out the candles and miss lighting up some candles jus repeats itself again. then...at some point of time, the band took a turn, (like how u guys took a turn down to the lower cafe) things got better as we accomplished more goals, more candles were lit and burning...and so we move on and on and on till where we are now, infront of the J1 band...the candles in the heart, represented all our accomplished goals, we worked all the way to come to the J1 band...its like presentation night, we could see that all the hard work and sacrifices were not in vain... don't know if u understand but i tried my best to put it to u what hit me while i was doing my part to prepare e stuff for u guys man...really made me felt gd and it numbed the backaches and leg cramps i had the nxt day, when i realise that u ppl liked it and all :) MOtherly MO....welfarian gona be... at 2:10 AM 0 comments ![]()
it's because i love sajc bandhaha it jus says it all when you listen to our recording for presentation night. it jus says it all when everyone started crying at the thought of us stepping down. really after all that we've been though together. it jus kind of saddens to not be playing for sajc band anymore. though our spirits still lingers int he band room. haha. ayes. that's lame. ayes. thank you jc1s for being so sweet :) haha your candles made pp start to cry in the bus even before we alighted alrady!! haha. it was memorable. really. i dont really know what else to say anymore. all the memories, you can read from everybody else's entries. haha. like balloon hat the orientation and concert and stuff. yups. i can say it really brings back alot alot of memories reading all the previous entries and seeing those hilarious photos of guys half nakes being marker-ed in the mean time. it brings back those flashes. haha. as well as a lil laughter. bleh :) dont we all do things becasue we love sajc band. and yes shan, i'll nver forget out sajccbbc. its our pride and joy? haha ayes. the j1s can continue the club and elect a new president. ayes. i'm so gonna miss sajc band. but nah, it'll never jus be a phrase of my life. and yours either. :) may at 11:14 PM 0 comments ![]()
![]() our dear SC looking his best. at 1:16 AM 0 comments ![]()
![]() thank you j1's at 11:33 PM 0 comments ![]()
![]() my beloved section! tubes -05 at 11:32 PM 0 comments ![]()
![]() SAJC CONCERT BAND! at 11:32 PM 0 comments ![]()
inseperable ties.dearest band ppl, so..we've come to the end of a journey that ended as quickly as it started..here are my memoirs of sajcband and what it meant to me,means to me and will always mean to me. 2004 term 1; i wasn't in sajc during the 1st 3 months last year coz of my shit prelim results and it was one of the reasons for me not being able to catch and keep up with work once school began the following term.but i was aware of sajcband's activities such as balloonhat and etc from kok and yf. 2004 term 2; this was the start of a somewhat different journey in school life and life in general for me.the band had decided to conduct a musical as part of our concert.And i tell you,there were many points during the preperatory period where i asked myself,why don't they just get rid of this stupid idea and just play pieces.i also had to play eupho for a couple of weeks after playing horn for 2 years.after some time i was back in horn and out of the musical band and into the props dept.Was pretty fun building and making stuff from scratch and for the 1st time,got to work on such big tasks with people i hardly knew.Many things didn't seem like they were going the way they were supposed to be going.People were asked to do what they were at times not the best at.there was band camp at sas as well,and the rehersals at that point weren't very convincing that we were heading towards a successful musical production.This period was also filled with much politics.A group of us j1's and some j2's,found the ways of the then leaders of the band,very difficult to work with.We just didn't comply to everything they said.We weren't rebelious or anything..just dynamic and different in the ways of our thoughts.This group of J1's,then know as X-co(not ex-co) is now commonly known as the brotherhood.At this point band started becoming a dread,making me think why i did i have to come here through appeal.Then came of the day of the concert.(290504).VCH was fully packed at 7.30pm that evening..so full,we had to bring bandroom chairs to capacitate.after the 1st half of relatively tough music we moved into the musical mode..the crew in black and the actors in their brilliant costumes.i had the opportunity to look at the crowd while they watched the musical as i was doing the props and all..all the hardwork paid off,people were laughing their asses off at something which had become immune to us.At the end,the crowd cheered(just like last nite).it had been a long yet successful concert to prepare and execute.that was a moment i'd cherish all my life.my perception of sajcband was to change from then on.i left for overseas the very next day and wasn't around on the last performance we had with our seniors.I still regret not staying back. Term 3&4 screwed up results became part and parcel of life for me after common test.(ct:OFF promo:OOO).the environment wasn't the same.seniors weren't around.People started quitting for the stupidest of reasons.the band had no tubist.after SFW,a few souls made the sacrifice to shift around and pick up new instruments.we all had our fair-share of problems.No dout.events drew close.open house,junior school performance and many others.disputes were rampant.somehow,me managed to overcome all those.but then,things began to fade once again when we felt mr.G was giving up on us..hardly turning up for practices at a certain period in time.the present j1's,we might seem like a good band,but that was not until december 2004.the band really progressed during the "toccata" band camp(as named by jie).but that was thanks to mr.G of course..he really maximised our pontential at that period of time.the year came to a close with a chirstmas party and stuff.Smiles on all faces. End 2004. Kumz. at 2:30 PM 0 comments ![]()
in our sajcband..i still remember the first time i stepped into sajcband, sectionals with deon, huimin at the cafe. (btw im really shy & quiet around strangers). and then there was balloon fest, everyone perspiring during the perf.. after first three months, although things didnt really worked out for me then, i dont know why i chose to stay, but i did. then there was concert, and i've never played in a band like that. it was definitely different from my alma mater. i guess this was when my chapter of sajcband started. i remember how after the concert, we struggled and we fought. college day, etc etc. scouting for hotels for band dinner, all the filming and preparation for it, the overnight studyings in school and breaks in between to play bball.. promos came and go. e band camps, dinner with the ps-club (sometimes), being the cheerleader for the GFC, xmas party, and alot alot of other memories. 2005 has been a rush year. since im not one who easily opens up, i treated the incoming j1s with a lil apprehension. saxtion, eugene, julius, and some others, however, proved me wrong. i thank thee for being there. concert (030305) and syf (050505) came and go. presentation night (190705) just ended last night. i admit i hadnt been the best (or decent, at least) saxophonist in the band, or someone who can dribble a soccer ball or always helping my saxtion carry cases (i did a few times, k? =p) or not being there always. i thought i'd nv cry on stepping down, but i did anyway. i guess its now time to end off the chapter of our sajcband, and starting of a new chapter yours sincerely, melvyn at 12:44 PM 0 comments ![]()
I simply Love you SAJC bandITsSaint Andrew Concert Band. This name will forever be etched in my heart. As all the events (as seen below) flashes across my mind i can't help it but feel that after tomolo.things are different already.i'm gonna miss so many things. Too many things in fact. Almost Everything that SAJC stood for. And everything that i stayed in SAJC for. To the j2s. Thanks for making this time a wonderful time for me. I really hope its been a blast for you all too and 2004-2005 will always be in your heart forever as it will be in mine. With A levels and Army looming around the corner, i really appreciate the great time spent doing both meaningful and really dumb stuff. Most importantly fighting with a huge bunch of passionate souls. I know i may never get the chance to do that ever again. to the j2s n the dedicated teacher-in-charge and Mr Glosz-you all are the reason i never regretted joining the Saints family. If there's anything i have gained for SAJC.its the memories and the friendship and the character building for SAJCCB. To the j1s. Its a long journey ahead but i believe you all can make it through w each other. The seniors i believe will always be there to support you. You all have been great juniors (esp my dear section!) and its really sad to see ya all move on from here without us. But nevertheless the fact stays and all i can do for now is wish you all luck and place my faith for the band in you guys. UP AND ON!!! Let Presentation Night be the Finale Of e NiGht! For one and all! There's a reason behind every Great Performance.I perform for you,my brothers and sisters! Let the memories Flow Without SAJC Concert Band.There's No Me 2004-2005.I entered,learned,studied everything and graduated from SAJC Concert Band AND NOWHERE ELSE Marc. at 12:15 AM 0 comments ![]()
my band worldEvening with the saints tomorrow. Truly. Rock the stage my friends. These days in band, it felt like a long time, it felt as though I've known you guys forever. It seems rather yesterday, "Hi, I'm Huimin, you are?" Fine, I say that all the time but you get the drift. I do think my batch did leave the band in a better state than when we entered. In a way, it wasn't tough, we used to be crap. Haha, but oh well, it was you and you and you and us that brought SAJC concert band way up there. The time we spent together, priceless. How can I ever forget the times Deon spit crap on me, clean his socks on me, step on me, slap me, burp into my face and the hundred and one times I wanted to whack the shit out of him. The conversations over nothing or just laughing at Jie and Jie. Haha, I'm definitely gonna miss band camps and the stress I get over designs and stuff. Wow, all the outings and games and hang outs and chilling sessions together. The first time I felt really proud of my batch was when we finally played a decent piece, Minerva. Haha. And yes, the toccata band camp and the open house band camp. Man, all my buddies, saxtion mate, seniors, juniors, Mr Glosz, teachers-in-charge. Gees, I love you all the same. Nothing beats being in a band lah huh? And yes, tomorrow my dearest batch is wearing the blazer one last time, playing as SAJC Concert Band the final time. I'm sure it's gonna be great. It's the evening of the saints, beat that. You guys just mean so so so so much to me. Love ya kids! Min at 10:10 PM 0 comments ![]()
goodbye, sajcband.to my dear j2s. so i guess this is it. tuesday is the end of MY musical journey in sajcband. though music itself does not stop here, sajcband does. we have come a long way to make it here and though we've gone thru quite a bit. what can i say that has not already been said and implied in the previous posts? there would never be anymore after school batch hangouts. band table anthics every morning and in between breaks. russell peter impersonations. liming in the sometimes very hot, sometimes very cold, band room. smearing yellow paints over ourselves during open house spring cleanin. getting high on paint. weaving music and drama together. tuning for half an hour. pillow stealing in brisbane. late night talks. lunch at hbf which took more den one hour and so we had to eat at gliman. over-due bed times. fighting for what we think the band deserved. sticking together under trying circumstances brought forth by u-noe-who. falling alseep in a freezing band room only to wake up in a pool of sweat because someone turned off the air con. late night walk around the sas compound during band camps. band study camps. laughing at certain student councillers. fighting for sleeping bags in section cupboards. late night supper during band camp. milo dinosaur. late night hotel re-keying for band dinner. supper at newton circus. dinner at chomp chomp. lunch int town. filming at shaun's house. band dinner game pick pocket. escaping orientation 2 as it was too boring and hanging out in the band room instead. sajc2004 bitch club founded by myself and may, president-ed by kok. 1st three months ikea trip to refurnish the band office. 1st three month's truth and dare. 1st three months stay-in-office-to-slack. 1st three months when were was no jie. band prac in the plaza. there aint gonna be anymore fighting together as a j2 batch. cux everythings gonna be alright for us now. no more tears in front of sajs canteens. and no more promises we can make to each other, except to be there for each other after this. at least i know that i can always count on my section to always be there to count the number of times i sneeze. because in the whole wide world, they are the only ones who do it. i already said that sajcband should not turn out to be just another phase of our lives. and truthfully, its anybody's guess if it would be. i love you sajc band. love, shan at 12:41 AM 0 comments ![]()
Deon Toh Keng Yong's last official blog as a bandie.Ok, since we only have like 48 hours left in SAJC main band, I guess I'm really starting to feel very crappy and reluctant inside. I mean, I joined the band like during December 2003 for practices (browned hair at that time haha), not knowing what to expect, who I would meet and all I knew was that it was a prestigious band I was joining. I only had half a mind to play the saxophone. (Even though that mindset hasnt changed one bit) Then there was the first three months (the most fun times I had in SAJC) which passed like a breeze, and basically the whole J1 life which zoomed past. I can still remember the time when I called Kok (he was still the chairman) at night, to tell him I was leaving band to join another CCA. (That chapter has officially closed after the end of season) Then of course, Im still here, and although I regretted not joinin' the other CCA, I also did not regret staying in SAJCband. Both cultures are different and have their pros and cons so lets not bring it further. Then came promos which of course left some of my batchies behind. And then there was J2 life and boy was it fast. Heres the end of our office term J2s. The highlights of my band life was of course, Open house - spring cleaning period. 1st 3 months. SYF DAY. 050505 Yeah, (ok heres the deal, just imagine its the MTV Asia awards and I'm up there recieve an award), I would specifically like to thank Mr. Glosz, Mr Peh, Ms Ho, Mrs Ang (or Ms Lee), Ms Teo, Our Salahuddin Haque, Lim Jie, Ah Bee, Huishan PRO, My SAXTION J3s-J1s, Alec, GILMAN FC, the brotherhood haha, and ya on a more general note, SAJCBAND itself. I also wanna say a special sorry to all the people I have hurt, let down and to the people I was mean to. (Since by now you all know that I show 80% meaneessss and 20% kindness.) Anyhow, just remember I love you all man. I know I have been mighty loud during band pracs and stuff, and I hope I entertained you all and lightened up your PMS days. Ha. Yup, so for me, this is a chapter which ends, of course there would be more alumni days to come but that to me would be a new chapter instead of a follow up. Its time to move on, and I do so with little regrets but a satisfied heart. This band and its members mean so much to me and for the past 2 years its been my home and my life. New friends have entered my life and other aspects of it have changed, multiplier effect you see. Its opened doors and given me countless opportunities. Also, without band I wouldnt know how to survive much in the school. Afterall, its band which brought me in during the 1st 3 months through appeal. For me, I joined SAJC becoz of SAJCBAND at first, (if not it would have been AJC) so I guess its band afterall. Remeber the brotherhood and the camp night, it will always stay in my heart, we crossed the line together. So here, it ends, I love you all, remember, my batch, we started together and heres the end. Lets embrace it. Run Running all the time Running to the future With you right by my side Me I’m the one you chose Out of all the people You wanted me the most I’m so sorry that I’m falling Help me up lets keep on running Don’t let me fall out of love Be Be the one I need Be the one I trust most Don’t stop inspiring me Sometimes it’s hard to keep on running We work so much to keep it going Don’t make me want to give up Running, running As fast as we can I really hope you make it Do you think we’ll make it? We’re running Keep holding my hand It’s so we don’t get separated at 10:32 PM 0 comments ![]()
Guesshey guys. i found out something from violet from last pract. really cool. What is the difference btw j1s and j2s band tshirt? Make a guess! kok at 6:42 PM 0 comments ![]()
2 days more....today is sunday. 2 more days to presentation night. looking forward to it but dreading it at the same time. looking forward to it cos it'll be an evening with the saints and i can't wait to play at the esplanade and show everybody how great the saints are. dreading it cos it is the last time we j2s will be wearing our band uniform and performing with sajc concert band. i can't imagine life without band practice. even though it means i have to wake up early on saturday mornings, even though it means that i will reach home very late on wednesday nights. we can always come back and sit in and teach the juniors, but it won't be the same. j2s, remember all the fun activities we had? or rather, how we managed to make everything we did fun? our spring cleanings, open house preparations, decorating the band room for christmas. all the colourful people in our batch. these are the things that will come to my mind when i think of sajc band. i hope these will be what will come to ur minds when u think of sajc band too. like huishan said, i hope that life in sajc band won't just be a phase in our lives. tuesday will be the last performance for us j2s. j1s, this will be the last performance with us j2s. make it the best and most musical performance that we've ever had. UP AND ON. enru at 3:39 PM 0 comments ![]()
banditshey bandits!~ i realli hate to say this larh....but i jus cant imagine life without band and without the peeps. haiz...but as the previous post..!!! we shld not take this as a step down! its a step up!. i jus wanna make something known! i feel damn sad thinking tht now jus when we all are so close to each other....and it seems so natural where the bond of frenship is so closely knitted! then we are ending our term soon! haiz....j2! i love u guys man! j1 i love u guys still though i dud realli know most of u guys! haiz, jus thinking abt the outing we had jus now....its so....erm....evoking.? making mi feel tht i jus wanna tear. becoz the frenship form here...i hope nuthing will break it in 3,5,10 ,50 yrs!!! though most prob i will die alreadi.................................. life and time will not delay coz time is running fast away? but nvr shall the friendship die! coz bandits rock my world. ur beloved yf <3 at 1:03 AM 0 comments ![]()
banditsat 1:03 AM 0 comments ![]()
sajc bandto my '87 batch ppl who are stepping down, hmmm i think we should change it to stepping up!... band life does not end right here, in fact, to me, it never ends...only your role in sajccb has changed, you are now with the status, alumni, it is your responsibility to come down and guide the kids, share your experiences with them...like the other alumnis have done and are still doing...tt's why we are one family unbroken and tt is what makes us so special frm other schls and tt's how we keep the flame burning brightly ever, we dont let traditions die, we don keep success only to ourselves but insead share it with those after us as well...not only the J1s and us and Mr Glosz won the Gold with Honours and earned a place on Presetation Night but the alumni as well...we won it together :) Motherly MO at 1:28 AM 0 comments ![]()
BLog.yhelloxZx Its been so long since I blogged. Anyway, must have been really busy and didnt realise. Actually not la, I was just plain lazy. Anyway, Thick boy has inspired me to blog. Its kinda true. Our days in band are numbered. hah. I mean, we are leaving band soon. And, like wow, so fast. I was just starting to have fun. Ok but now that we're leaving the band, I kinda missed the fun times. Its ok man, but I hope that at least the cliques in band will continue being cliques. At least theres contact. And that the guys will still get together regularly to play soccer and stuff. Girls, form some sport team leh, then at least u all got something to do. Or you can always book Deonny out for a date. People, we have a few days left to end of band and lets just cherish them by putting our soul into the music. Was watching this Steve Gadd documentary and awards thingy on DVD (thought it was 2 hours but it was 6!~). Anyway, Gadd is one of the most recorded and respected drummer of our time and is still alive and kicking and very much healthy. He decided to play drums while he was 3 and then got his drumset at 14 etc. Anyway, one of the most important lines which reminded me of my purpose in music was actually how he didnt think about how difficult stuff was but really just enjoying the music cause theres where the human body is released and our souls may be put into the music. Anyway, just have fun and I love you guys. Lets be mushy. You changed my life. Deonny. at 9:45 PM 0 comments ![]()
Well.one more week to go.And now school is getting more and more meaningful as we approach 19july.I actually looking forward to go to sch(for band of coz:).Well.(though some may say tat the is the wrong reason for going to SAJC)but i kinda dont wanna 19july to come so soon as after that sch will seem so meaningless. But nevertheless. One more week.Work hard all ya great SAJCCB Band-Its!!!Cherish every moment we have together now. It'll be different after everything.So savour every moment of this.PRESS ON! .Tats all for now. -Band pet-Hamster-Farcus Mong-Marc-Thick Boy-blah blah blah blah(countless) at 8:54 PM 0 comments ![]()
Saints e Musica![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hihi, was just surfin around and found pics from the musical on shan's blog. Never knew this pics existed. Either way, just wanted to put it up here for all to see. the pics look great dun they. yup K, ya guys wanna screening of musical to relieve old times? I'll try to find a time slot to view this as a band soon. k k ciaoz, sal
at 7:35 PM 0 comments ![]()
Trip Pics![]() ![]() Terrified bunch, in the scooby doo castle ![]() ![]() ![]() Pagans and Witches! Burn them Alive!! Hi ho, here's some pics of the trip ( more to come soon ) Till i learn how to use the image station thing, I'll publih the pics here for now. Sal. at 1:39 AM 0 comments ![]()
1st July, 1.21 am HAPPY B DAY TO YOU, HAPPY B DAY TO YOU, HAPPY B DAY TO MEL AND MIN, HAPPY B DAY TO YOU!!!!!!!! Hello Bandies! Im so so so glad exams are over! To those who studied and survived the papers, thats excellent, keep going on. To those who did'nt, better not take too long a break and start mugging ( j2's esp and J1's to promote ) Anyway, just wanna let you all know that Band resumes this coming Sat ( 2nd July ) and the reporting time is 8.45am ( no late comers pls) Presentation night @ e Esplanade! ( ooh la la ) is approaching soon. Now that exams are over, it's gonna be full swing till the "Evening of the Saints". We've not done much work on Persis ( due to the trip ) and haven't touched the Merry Widow since 050505 so I'm prety sure we all know the amount of work and effort we have to put in. From this Sat onwards, it's only going to be 18 days till we end our journey in Sajcband, so guys and girls, pls give in your all, your very best, your everything, for this event, our final event. PRESENTATION NIGHT - MAKE WAY FOR THE SAINTS!!! Signing off, Sal... P.S -Ppl start blogging eh?? Invite the j1's to blog here too... the more, the merrier! -btw realized that our syf day was 05/05/05 and that the recording time of merry widow was 08:08 -There'll be a screening of band dinner 04 coming soon ciaoz. at 1:20 AM 0 comments ![]()